Activity Demonstration Videos

These short activity demonstration videos are intended to quickly provide teachers with a clear understanding of how each activity runs and the key concepts that are being highlighted in each activity. They are intended to be used alongside the lesson plans and associated resources, and not as a replacement. The lesson plans contain more detailed descriptions of each activity, as well as alternative implementations or extensions to the activities.

Videos are numbered according to the lesson they appear in, followed by the order in which they appear within that lesson.

Year 3 consists of two modules, Atom Frenzy, which explores what atoms are and how they make up the world around us, and Hot Stuff, which introduces the idea of phonons and how they relate to the concepts of heat. The lesson plans and associated resources for each of these modules can be found at and

AF 1.1 – Making Atoms

AF 2.1 – Introducing Molecules

AF 4.1 – Introducing Magnetic Forces

AF 4.2 – Introducing Electric Forces

AF 4.3 – Lifting Things with Static Electricity

AF 5.1 – Melting Ice

AF 5.2 – Boiling a Kettle

AF 6.1 – Dissolving Sugar

AF 7.1 & 8.1 Measuring Viscosity

HS 1.1 – Solids, Liquids, and Gases with Toy Atoms

HS 1.2 – Melting Butter in Hot Water

HS 2.1 Nerf Gun Bullet Photon Analogy

HS 2.2 Slinky Phonon Analogy

HS 3.1 – Melting Solids in the Sun

HS 3.X – Solar Cars (Draft)

HS 4.1 – Ice Cold and Boiling Hot

HS 5.1 – Heat Transfer in Metal

HS 5.X – Hot Spoon, Cold Spoon

HS 6.1 – Heat Generation Stations

HS 7.1 – Keeping Hot Things Hot

Year 4 consists of one module, May the Forces be with You, which explores how forces can be represented and understood using arrows and introduces electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces. The lesson plans and associated resources for module can be found at Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final module.

MF 1.1 – Tug of War: The Maths of Arrows

MF 3.1 – Rubber Band Forces

MF 3.2 – Cartesian Diver

MF 6.1 – Exploring Electric Forces

Year 5 consists of two modules, Fantastic Photons, which explores how light is made of photons and how everything has bulletiness and waviness, and Our Place in the Universe, which further explores the concept of gravity and introduces space from the solar system to rockets and more. For participating schools, the lesson plans and associated resources for each of these modules can be found here. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collections of videos are incomplete, more will be added for the final modules.

FP 2.1 – Nerf Gun Challenge (Draft)

FP 3.1 – How We See Objects with Photons

FP 3.2 – Nerf Gun Photography

OP 1.1 – How Galaxies Form

OP 2.1 – Introducing the Spacetime Simulator

OP 2.2 – How Mass Curves Spacetime

Year 6 is consists of one module on the topics of climate science. For participating schools, the lesson plans and associated resources for this module can be found here. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final modules.

CS 6.1 – Resonance

CS 6.2 – Earth’s Blanket and Vibrating Molecules

CS – How Wood Becomes Coal

SAFETY – Solar Panels

Year 7 consists of one module, Einstein’s Gravity, which explores the concepts of curved spacetime and how it relates to gravity along with other concepts of Einstein’s relativity. For participating schools, the lesson plans and associated resources for this module can be found here. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final module.

Kepler Orbits and Curved Spacetime (Draft)

Measuring the Curvature of Spacetime (Draft)

Gravitational Lensing (Draft)

Measuring the Force of Gravity (Draft)

Terminal Speed of a Balloon (Draft)

Measuring Mass in the Space Station (Draft)

Measuring Angles with Light (Draft)

Measuring Straightness (Draft)

Einstein’s Happiest Thought – Gravity and Acceleration

Einstein’s Happiest Thought – Free Fall Experiments (Draft)

Triangles on Curved Surfaces (Draft)

Curved Geometry with Woks (Draft)

Tidal Locking

Year 8 is expected to consist of one module on the topic of energy, introducing E = mc² and E = hf alongside the concept of binding energy and renewable energy. The lesson plans and associated resources for this module will be found here once they have been released for participating schools. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final module.

Solar Panel Setup

Tilt, Measurement, and Graphing

Power, Pit Ponies, and Solar Energy

Photovoltaic Effect Toy Model

Year 9 is expected to consist of one module, Quantum World, exploring fundamental ideas around the wavy quantum properties of matter. The lesson plans and associated resources for this module will be found here once they have been released for participating schools. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final module.

Phasors 1 – Introduction to Phasor Wheels

Year 10 is expected to consist of one module, From Climate to Cosmology, exploring the underlying science of climate change, the critical challenges we face, and what we can all do to address them and science that underpins the Earth’s climate relates to our understanding of the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present and our predictions of the future, along with how we understand these big questions. The lesson plans and associated resources for this module will be found here once they have been released for participating schools. Please Contact Us if you would like to join the project as a participating school. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final module.

CC 10.1 – Balloon Universe

Mathematical skills are critically important for students’ understanding of physical ideas and interacting with the modern world in everyday life. We are currently developing two Mathematics for Einstein’s Universe modules, one for Primary levels and one for Secondary levels. Currently, the Primary module is well developed, and the Secondary module is in the planning stages. If you are interested in participating in trials of our Primary module, please contact Anastasia at [email protected]. Please note the below collection of videos is incomplete, more will be added for the final modules.

Maths – How Many Ancestors? – A Doubling Activity

Maths – Powers of Two on a Chessboard

MF 1.1 – Tug of War: The Maths of Arrows

OP 1.1 – How Galaxies Form

A number of our activities do not fit into our modules, but you may still find that these activities are useful in your classroom, either as one-offs or to complement our modules.

Creating an Eclipse in a Classroom