Women in STEM
Tuesday 25th of June, 5 – 7 pm
Engineers Australia Level 10 Allendale Square, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Quantum Girls and Einstein-First are pleased to announce the Women in STEM event, to be held on Tuesday, June 25th, at the Engineers Australia building in Perth CBD. The event is sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank and will officially launch the Quantum Girls Quantum Explorers STEM Clubs and Einstein-First’s Powers of the Universe book; a unique activity book for primary and middle school children that makes all the numbers that describe the universe into a fun and exciting adventure!
The clubs build on our discovery of how much girls love our Einstein-First programs and encourage all students, but particularly girls, to follow STEM pathways.
Our wonderful set of female role models are featured in every STEM Club.
The event is an opportunity for our current industry partners to see the impact they are having and an opportunity for new industry partners to join our program. Register here.