Ningaloo Eclipse
Einstein-First Presentations at the Ningaloo Eclipse
Shire Hall, 22 Maidstone Cres, Exmouth, Western Australia, 6707
“On April 20, 2023 visitors to Exmouth will have front row seats to one of nature’s most phenomenal occurrences – a Total Solar Eclipse. At 11:27am, the shadow of the moon will graze the tip of Western Australia in a 40-kilometre wide track, as it travels over the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo region near Exmouth, making it the most accessible land-based place on Earth to view the spectacle.”
As part of Western Australia’s celebrations of the Ningaloo eclipse, Einstein-First will give a series of presentations about eclipses, covering topics such as how orbits and gravity work, the rich scientific history of eclipses in Western Australia, including how an eclipse at Wallal over a century ago provided the first conclusive evidence that Einstein’s general theory of relativity was correct, and how you can simulate an eclipse at home or in the classroom.
For more information on the eclipse itself: Click Here
For infomation about Einstein-First’s presentations: Click Here
For a guide for simulating your own eclipse at home or in the classroom: Click Here
See an introduction to how we teach students of all ages about gravity, orbits, and general relativity on the spacetime simulate: Click Here
If you are interested in further exploring Australia’s contributions to the confirmation of general relativity, the discovery of gravitational waves, and the future of how we can use ripples in spacetime to explore the universe, see the book Uncovering Einstein’s New Universe from UWA publishing.