Role plays & Songs
People are welcome to use these for education purposes, however we would appreciate to be informed if you do and would like the project to be acknowledged.
Playing Einstein
By David Blair
This book contains a compilation of most of our plays and songs as well as additional background information and historical context. A physical copy of this book can be purchased via special request (please Contact Us directly if you are interested.)

The story of light
A role-play based on events starting from Maxwell, Hertz, Einstein, Feynman and Physics Nobel laureates of 2017
How to make gold
The story of the formation of gold in the Universe.

Hot Light – Photons and Phonons
Einstein comes to school and tells children about photons and phonons.

A play about the discovery of quantum mechanics and quantum weirdness and its application to gravitational wave detectors.

Free Float
A light hearted exploration of the ideas of the modern theory of space, time and gravity

A fun way to learn about the four most important elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and how these atoms like to join into little family groups called molecules.
These songs are associated with our role plays. Here we have provided videos indicating the intended tune and individual lyrics sheets.
Electron Feels a Force (We Are Electrons)
Included as part of the Electron Feels a Force play as part of our Year 4 May the Forces be with You module.